Sporting Clays Charity Tournament


March 4, 2024
Greater Houston Sports Club
6700 McHard Rd
Houston, TX  77053

The SWICA Sporting Clays Tournament will be held at Greater Houston Sports Club. Come join us for a great day of shooting, fellowship, and fun. Experienced and novice shooters alike are welcome! This event will contribute to our fund raising for Combat Marine Outdoors! Don’t have a full team? Sign up and we will pair you up with other shooters.

Thank you to our Platinum Sponsors:

  • Specialty Products & Insulation
  • Apache Industrial Services
  • Total Specialty Services
  • General Insulation
  • Owens Corning
  • PCI Promatec

Thank you to our Awards/Beer Sponsors:

  • The Kigar Company
  • ACS Industries
  • Midwest Fasteners
  • RPR Products
  • Ideal Products









Shoot Schedule

  • 8:00 AM-9:00 AM Registration
  • 9:00 AM Safety Briefing/Sporting Clay Shoot

  • 11:00 AM-1:00 PM Lunch/Raffle/Games


SWICA Clay Shoot Rules

  • No alcohol is allowed before or during shooting activities – no exceptions.
  • Gun actions MUST be kept open and unloaded except within the shooting stations.
  • SWICA reserves the right to alter or cancel any part of this program, refuse entry or cause withdrawal of any shooter or team, if conditions warrant.
  • You must be present to win raffle prizes.
  • You must be at least 18 years of age to participate in shoot.
  • The Lewis Class system will be used for team scoring which allows for the use of purchased mulligans.
  • Safety glasses and hearing protection are required in all shooting areas.

Weather Cancellation Policy (if Tournament in Progress) All score cards will be collected and analyzed to identify the team that shot the least number of stations. All participants will be scored based on the same number of stations as the team that completed the fewest number of stations. For teams completing more stations than the team(s) completing the fewest stations, scores will be determined from the teams’ first stations up to the station count that matches the same number of stations completed by the team(s) completing the fewest number of stations (when the weather discontinuation is determined). All scores collected above that minimum number of stations will not be included in the team score. Mulligans will be eliminated from scores.